A strange, solemn rite and wonders in the dark
For two strange timeless nights in almost complete
darkness, Wasson and Richardson sat in an underground
room with the curandera, Eva Mendez. On the first,
both partook of the sacred mushrooms, and both saw
visions. On the second Richardson refrained; instead he
set up flash equipment and, aiming his camera at sounds
in the blackness, recorded on film parts of the ceremony.
In a solemn musical chant, Eva Mendez began
with an invocation to the mushroom in the name of Christ
and the saints. She proclaimed her own good intentions
and then, impatiently, entreated the spirits, "I am
a mouth looking for you, but you are not paying
attention. Come." As the ritual proceeded Wasson
lost himself in wondrous flights of fancy which moved him
to say afterward, "For the first time the word
ecstasy took on real meaning. For the first time it did
not mean someone else's state of mind."

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